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Some of my stories are published in:
A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers and Daughters (Adams Media, 2009)
Chicken Soup: What I Learned from the Dog (2009)
Love is a Flame (Bethany House, 2010)
Extraordinary answers to Prayer (Guideposts, 2010)
Love is a Verb (Bethany House, 2011)
Big Dreams from Small Spaces (Group Publishing, 2012)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Simplehearted Dears

Last fall, as I drove up to my house, a herd of deer crossed the road in front of me and then meandered down the side of my yard. I saw a young buck, two mamas and three youngsters. One of the fawns --I'll call him Li'l Bitty -- obviously belonged to Big Mama. The other two fawns hung out close to Scruffy Mama.
About an hour later, I looked out my office window and noticed that Big Mama had disappeared, probably in search of better munchings farther up the hill.
Li'l Bitty hadn't noticed that his mama had wandered off. . . until this moment.
I saw him take some hesitant steps toward our neighbor's house, then call out in a little bleat.
His held his head up, sniffed the breeze and bleated again.
No answer.
Where was Big Mama?
Scruffy Mama and her two fawns ignored Li'l Bitty's frightened bleats. They crossed the road and made their way into another yard.
Li'l Bitty followed them and tried to get close to Scruffy Mama. Scruffy kicked Li'l Bitty and drove him away.
Poor Li'l Bitty!
Without his mama, how would he protect himself from bears and cougars and coyotes?
Baa! Baa! Baa! he called.
Oh, how I wanted to run outside and put my arms around his little furry neck and soothe him. Common sense told me, "No."
I considered calling Animal Control, but surely Big Mama had to be aware that her little one was missing.  Surely, she would come looking for him.
Finally, from way up the hill, I saw a deer emerge from a group of Ponderosa trees. She didn't hurry, but I could tell that this was a doe with a mission. Minutes later Big Mama had reunited with Li'l Bitty.
She resumed her grazing, but this time Li'l Bitty stayed close by.

How safe are we when we wander away from the protective presence of our own parent, our Heavenly Father?
How long does it take us to realize that we've tried to get close to another "parent" only to discover that she doesn't care about us at all?
And without our own "Big Mama" to guide us and lead us to good food and safe places to lie down, how long do you think we would last in predator-infested territory?

"The Lord protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, He saved me." (Psalm 116:6)


  1. Wonderful reminder that our wanderings will not lead to peace. Our protection is found in the shadow of His wing. Guess I need to look around and see if I have wandered.
    You always have a thought provoking blog that leads me to Christ.

  2. The behavior of animals sure can teach us a lot about God's Kingdom. . . if we have eyes to see!
    Thanks, Diane.

  3. Loved this Dena. For me it is once again a reminder that my heavenly Father is not only my protector but that putting that trust in another human brings painful consequences. No one loves and cares for us like Him. Lynn B.

  4. So true, Lynn. I once heard a sermon that has really stuck in my head. "People are people, and God is God; don't ever get the two confused.!"

  5. Hi Dena -

    Love this!

    Scripture says that His sheep know His voice and they follow Him. God expects us to follow when He moves.

    I'm so glad He still keeps an eye on me when I wander and get myself into scrapes.

    Susan :)

  6. Thanks, Susan. I know His voice, but sometimes I wander, nevertheless!
