So we're out here in San Diego visiting my daughter, son-in-law and baby granddaughter. We're having a great time, even though Bruce still has to work. (He can pretty much log on and do his job anywhere.)
The little girl is absolutely delightful. Just one year old. Oh, she's going to be a charmer. Kaya already knows how to look at you sideways with a smile and a little scrunch of the nose. And when you whip out the camera, she also already knows how to hold her pose and smile while you focus and shoot.
Her mommy and daddy adore her, of course. I do, too.
When Kaya gets crabby she's very dramatic, switching from chuckling, laughing and cooing to screeching with unbearable decibels. After ten minutes of the ear-splitting vocalizations you're ready to throw up your hands in frustration and do some of your own screaming.
But you tolerate her behavior. You find something to distract her. You feed her, or rock her, or change her.
Because she's a baby. And you love her. Adore her.
Isn't that just like our Heavenly Father?
He's so much bigger and stronger. When we exasperate Him, He could make the mountains crumble with the power of His voice. He could make the oceans roar or the wind uproot trees.
But He doesn't. Because He loves us. Our gentleness and patience with our own little ones is only a tiny picture of God's own gentleness and patience.
I hope we never take such gentleness and patience for granted. It's meant to draw us to respond to His great love.
Just as your own child responds to your love by holding onto you and cuddling, I hope you get close to God today.
Spend time "cuddling."
God n me: A bi-weekly blog that encourages readers to see the glory of Jesus Christ in small, daily things, and to seek greater intimacy with Him.
Contact Me
If you enjoy my blog and would like to contact me, you may reach me at this email:
Some of my stories are published in:
A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers and Daughters (Adams Media, 2009)
Chicken Soup: What I Learned from the Dog (2009)
Love is a Flame (Bethany House, 2010)
Extraordinary answers to Prayer (Guideposts, 2010)
Love is a Verb (Bethany House, 2011)
Big Dreams from Small Spaces (Group Publishing, 2012)
Some of my stories are published in:
A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers and Daughters (Adams Media, 2009)
Chicken Soup: What I Learned from the Dog (2009)
Love is a Flame (Bethany House, 2010)
Extraordinary answers to Prayer (Guideposts, 2010)
Love is a Verb (Bethany House, 2011)
Big Dreams from Small Spaces (Group Publishing, 2012)
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